The average house price on POPPY DRIVE is £251,853
The most expensive house in the street is 8 POPPY DRIVE with an estimated value of £389,517
The cheapest house in the street is 4 POPPY DRIVE with an estimated value of £151,132
The house which was most recently sold was 7 POPPY DRIVE, this sold on 14 Jul 2022 for £350,000
The postcode for POPPY DRIVE is TF2 7RP
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
3 POPPY DRIVE Terraced £216,224 £38,500 26 Jul 1996
4 POPPY DRIVE Terraced £151,132 £38,750 17 Mar 2000
5 POPPY DRIVE Terraced £209,203 £122,000 20 Jul 2012
6 POPPY DRIVE Semi-Detached £286,728 £79,000 18 Dec 2000
7 POPPY DRIVE Detached £353,543 £350,000 14 Jul 2022
8 POPPY DRIVE Detached £389,517 £75,500 23 Jun 1997
11 POPPY DRIVE Semi-Detached £186,675 £150,000 25 Jan 2019
14 POPPY DRIVE Semi-Detached £237,019 £119,000 28 Jun 2004
15 POPPY DRIVE Semi-Detached £236,636 £123,000 10 Sep 2004